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NZTSOS Latest News July 2024

Teachers’ Leave To Appeal To The Supreme Court Dismissed But Stand For Bill Of Rights Continues


The NZTSOS application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of New Zealand has been dismissed.

NZTSOS sought to appeal the previous High Court and Court of Appeal judgments that the order made under the COVID-19 Public Health Act 2020 prohibiting education workers from carrying out work unless they were “vaccinated”, remained proportionate and demonstrably justified prior to mid-February 2022.

“We have now exhausted all avenues, in relation to these proceedings, to protect the New Zealand Bill of Rights from being overridden by future politicians” says spokesperson Mike Shaw.

New Zealand Teachers Speaking Out With Science (NZTSOS) was formed to legally challenge the Public Health Orders that all workers in the education sector were required to be “fully vaccinated” against Covid 19 from 1 January 2022. The mandate took effect in October 2021 and ended in April 2022. Over 2,600 people across all sectors affected lost their employment and had their careers destroyed.

Leave for appeal was dismissed on the basis that the court was not persuaded that the appeal raises a “question of general or public importance.” The fact that it is now two years since the mandates have been removed has influenced their decision.

Shaw says, “It is especially disappointing that the Supreme Court was not persuaded that our application for appeal raised questions of general or public importance, and that they assessed this against the fact that it is now over two years since the mandate order was removed.  We believe this fails to appreciate the many who continue to suffer from having their careers destroyed.”

The time taken to seek leave to appeal to the Supreme Court was in major part caused by the 11 months the Court of Appeal took to render their judgment. “This is the reality of the maxim ‘Justice delayed is justice denied” says Mike Shaw.

Nor was the court persuaded that a miscarriage of justice had occurred.

“We believe it is equally egregious that the Supreme Court did not believe that our recent discovery of Crown witnesses having kept highly relevant information from the High Court may have led to a miscarriage of justice.  It is difficult to fathom their assertion that these omissions by the Crown could have been raised with the Court of Appeal, when the Crown successfully concealed the information until recently.  The onus was on the Crown to reveal this information to the court, not on NZTSOS to be able to discover its existence.”

The Education Workers vaccination mandate was initiated by overzealous education officials and not on health advice. The Ministry of Health knew that the secondary infection rate in schools was extremely low (0.1%), yet Crown expert witnesses hid this from the Court. Thousands of ‘significant service disruption’ exemptions were issued in the health sector, yet the Courts were misled by the Crown into thinking that only 11 applications had been approved.

Now that this proceeding has run its course NZTSOS is likely to turn its energy to the second phase of the Royal Commission of inquiry into the pandemic response. The scope of the inquiry has been widened to include the use of vaccines during the pandemic, specifically, mandates, approval processes and safety including the monitoring and reporting of adverse reactions.

“We want to thank our legal counsel Frontline Law and all our supporters for the work that they have done. Nothing has been wasted and we are satisfied that we have pursued all legal avenues to have this wrong righted. It will now be in the hands of our politicians to provide some remedy for this injustice” said Shaw.

NZTSOS Latest News March 2024

Court of Appeal Fails to Uphold The New Zealand Bill of Rights
for Teachers

NZTSOS is disappointed that the Courts have again failed in their responsibility to uphold our New
Zealand Bill of Rights. “In our recent history there has never been such an abuse of human rights that
has cost so many for the sake of so little,” says NZTSOS spokesperson, Mike Shaw, “This is a loss, not
only for the many dedicated education workers whose careers were prematurely terminated, but for all
New Zealanders. It affirms that the government can impinge upon basic human rights with little
The Education Workers mandate originated from discussions between education officials and teacher
unions, and was likely a knee-jerk response in an attempt to restore public confidence in schools. “It
was a public relations exercise, not a public health exercise,” says NZTSOS chairperson Rachael
Mortimer. The public health rationale was belatedly provided four days after the cabinet had already
decided to proceed. In their haste, the government gave no consideration to the alternatives that were
available, and the exemption criteria were unreasonably narrow.
“The damage to those educators who were forced to leave schools under a black cloud should be
acknowledged. The damage to educators with health issues who legitimately could not gain an
exemption, but were vilified because of this, should be acknowledged. The damage to all those teachers
coerced to do something against their will should be acknowledged. This is why we can not accept this
ruling,” says Mortimer.
Teachers were given the ultimatum of taking the vaccine or ending their careers – despite there being
uncertainty about the efficacy of the vaccine in reducing transmission and a total absence of long-term
safety data. “Many said at the start that this irrational mandate was never going to work. We all now
know they were right,” says Mortimer. The resulting consequences of this hasty and ill-conceived
action were devastating to individuals and to the education community.
“We’d like to thank our legal team from Frontline Law, members of NZTSOS and all our supporters,” says
Shaw. “Now NZTSOS will be seeking advice over the next few weeks to determine if there are grounds to
seek leave to appeal to the Supreme Court. For the sake of future generations, we must do everything
we possibly can to ensure that the Bill of Rights is never disregarded so easily by future governments.
This is far more important than a few teachers losing their jobs. This is the future of all of our democratic
rights being upheld.”

NZTSOS Latest News December 2023

Media Release: Teachers Celebrate Settlement With The Police But Still Wait For Ruling In Their Appeal Case

Teachers who lost their jobs because they were not “fully vaccinated by 1 January, 2022”  are encouraged by Monday's news that the Police have settled their personal grievance claims over staff treatment after Covid-19 vaccine refusals. 


“This is great news” says spokesperson Mike Shaw, “but it still remains that the teachers have been waiting since April to have a ruling on their case heard before the Court of Appeal. By all accounts, this is now “outstanding beyond a reasonable time.” 


New Zealand Teachers Speaking Out with Science (NZTSOS) are an incorporated society of over 1,200 educators who appealed the decision of Justice Francis Cooke. Justice Cooke determined last year that the mandates for educators to be vaccinated were “demonstrably justified”.


NZTSOS believe the Covid-19 vaccine mandates breached the Bill of Rights and believe that Justice Cooke simply “got it wrong” and took their case to the Court of Appeal in April 2023.


“The good reputation of New Zealand’s robust justice system is at risk, with this ruling now being outstanding beyond a reasonable time" says Mike Shaw. "Mandated out of a job educators have sustained loss of employment, reputation and suffered discrimination. They face further injury by having little hope for a timely and effective remedy and resolution of this breach of their human rights. We hope the ruling comes out early in the new year so redress can be sought.”

New Zealand’s new Government says it will carry out a “full scale, wide-ranging, independent inquiry” into how the Covid-19 pandemic was handled in Aotearoa. The National Party and New Zealand First coalition agreement document outlines that it will ensure “as a matter of urgency” that the inquiry is established and completed. NZTSOS hopes that this independent inquiry spotlights the injustice done to many in the education community.


NZTSOS Heads Back to Court

Press Release FEB 2023

NZTSOS Latest News

The decision on our historic appeal is still pending. We're expecting to get a ruling within the next four weeks. Or it could be longer. There is no way of telling how it will go, but we have reasons to be hopeful. Two weeks ago in the US, the Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton, secured a victory in his lawsuit against the Biden Administration’s unlawful vaccine mandate for federal contractors. More about that here. Although this is a US situation it does indicate that victory in NZ is possible. 
Our legal team went over the estimate provided in March by about 50%. Despite their efforts, the preparation involved was more than anticipated. They have reduced their final invoice by $3,000 to better reflect their earlier estimate but it does mean we have an outstanding amount of $3,202.18  to pay. 
Could you help us by making a donation? If we win this case it will be because of your help. If we lose, you and I will know that we never gave up, and stood strong together defending our Human Rights. 

Press Release May 11th 2022


Press Release 2nd March 2022


Press Release April 8th 2022

NZTSOS TO APPEAL Justice Cooke’s Ruling



Press Release 28th February 2022


First Press release - 8 November 2021

Press Releases from November 2021

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