Newsletter #1 – January 23rd, 2022

NZTSOS Newsletter – January 23, 2022


Kia ora Members,


Happy New Year!! I know for many of us, 2022 may not be holding as much of an optimistic outlook as we would have hoped. With job losses, children’s vaccinations and the government’s attempts to shut down the option to home-school children without being vaccinated, it’s easy to have a pessimistic outlook for the year. However, if recent events transpiring around world are anything to go by, it’s looking like it’s only a matter of time before we are all exposed to the omicron variant, natural immunity is acquired, the  mandates and restrictions are dropped and the true impact of the government’s mistakes will be laid bare. Good will triumph over evil.


With that in mind, we’re very excited by our upcoming court hearing. Here are a few updates for you all

·      Our case will be heard in the Wellington High Court on the Thursday 3rd, Friday 4th and Monday 7th of March. Thank you to everyone who submitted an affidavit and filled in our questionnaires, to our regional leaders and coordinators and to all who have helped. We’ve managed to hear from over 750 of our members directly, resulting in over 80 affidavits to be presented as evidence.

·      We will be hearing expert evidence from medical experts from across the world, including the world renown cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough.

·      WE’RE WANTING TO GET AS MANY MEMBERS DOWN TO WELLINGTON AS POSSIBLE FOR THE CASE. THIS IS PARTICULARLY IMPORTANT IF YOU HAVE WRITTEN AN AFFIDAVIT. We are wanting to make a BIG IMPACT during this time. We are applying to have our own reporter in the courtroom filming the hearing, and we would like people who’ve written affidavits to attend in case you get called upon as a witness.

·      We will be having an ALL IN ZOOM MEETING, this Wednesday 26th January, 7pm to discuss our plan for getting members down to Wellington and coming together as a collective.

·      We are also asking all of our members for a small koha to go towards legal costs.  Due to vaccine injuries, which are beginning to show now, this has taken more legal time than anticipated. We would like to thank our legal team and committee and we are requesting each member contribute a koha of either:

o   $5

o   $10

o   A koha of your choice over $5


This koha is essential for our NZTSOS legal fees, and as plaintiffs we will benefit should we succeed in our court case! Consider it our small membership fee  Please make all contributions payable to 02-0300-0221550-021

Also, if you haven't already can you please complete our Survey: Lockdown Impacts on Family Wellbeing Survey, This can be completed by anyone.

Nga mihi nui,

the NZTSOS team.

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